Illustrating a World of Mystery
Case Study. Can kids crack a case like Sherlock? In this immersive escape room, hand-drawn illustrations of legendary detectives guide children through a meticulously crafted, interactive detective adventure.… more
Case Study. Can kids crack a case like Sherlock? In this immersive escape room, hand-drawn illustrations of legendary detectives guide children through a meticulously crafted, interactive detective adventure.… more
There are very few downsides to having a super furry family member. Yes, we’re talking about dogs. Well, except for… more
Key visual for Atlantic SMS in-store activation. Client: Atlantic Trade d.o.o., Slovenia Brands: multi brands. O3: conceptual design, executive design,… more
Media event with chef Bine Volčič. Client: Mars, 2020. Brand: Sheba O3: concept, illustration, design, execution of branding materials, organisation… more
Zašpiljena in kot nož ostra komunikacija nove slovenske blagovne znamke Tricikel, ki svoje izdelke zasnuje, reciklira in izdela v Slovenij,… more
Mlado podjetje s področja kmetijskega svetovanja nam je zaupalo snovanje celostne grafične podobe. Z znakom smo ponazorili podajanje koristnih nasvetov… more